Package: neopolars

Tatsuya Shima

neopolars: R Bindings for the 'polars' Rust Library

Lightning-fast 'DataFrame' library written in 'Rust'. Convert R data to 'Polars' data and vice versa. Perform fast, lazy, larger-than-memory and optimized data queries. 'Polars' is interoperable with the package 'arrow', as both are based on the 'Apache Arrow' Columnar Format.

Authors:Tatsuya Shima [aut, cre], Authors of the dependency Rust crates [aut]

neopolars.pdf |neopolars.html
neopolars/json (API)

# Install 'neopolars' in R:
install.packages('neopolars', repos = c('', ''))

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7.00 score 471 stars 1 scripts 20 exports 1 dependencies

Last updated 2 days agofrom:3dcf83e621 (on next). Checks:OK: 1 ERROR: 8. Indexed: no.

Doc / VignettesOKOct 21 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64ERROROct 21 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64ERROROct 21 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Create a Polars DataFrame from an R objectas_polars_df as_polars_df.default as_polars_df.list as_polars_df.NULL as_polars_df.polars_data_frame as_polars_df.polars_group_by as_polars_df.polars_lazy_frame as_polars_df.polars_series
Create a Polars expression from an R objectas_polars_expr as_polars_expr.character as_polars_expr.default as_polars_expr.double as_polars_expr.integer as_polars_expr.logical as_polars_expr.NULL as_polars_expr.polars_expr as_polars_expr.polars_series as_polars_expr.raw
Create a Polars LazyFrame from an R objectas_polars_lf as_polars_lf.default as_polars_lf.polars_lazy_frame
Create a Polars Series from an R objectas_polars_series as_polars_series.array as_polars_series.AsIs as_polars_series.blob as_polars_series.character as_polars_series.clock_duration as_polars_series.clock_sys_time as_polars_series.clock_time_point as_polars_series.clock_zoned_time as_polars_series.Date as_polars_series.default as_polars_series.difftime as_polars_series.double as_polars_series.factor as_polars_series.hms as_polars_series.integer as_polars_series.integer64 as_polars_series.ITime as_polars_series.list as_polars_series.logical as_polars_series.NULL as_polars_series.polars_data_frame as_polars_series.polars_series as_polars_series.POSIXct as_polars_series.raw as_polars_series.vctrs_rcrd as_polars_series.vctrs_unspecified
Export the polars object as a tibble data frameas_tibble.polars_data_frame as_tibble.polars_lazy_frame
Export the polars object as an R
Export the polars object as an R listas.list.polars_data_frame as.list.polars_lazy_frame
Check if the object is a polars objectcheck_list_of_polars_dtype check_polars check_polars_df check_polars_dtype check_polars_expr check_polars_lf check_polars_selector check_polars_series is_list_of_polars_dtype is_polars is_polars_df is_polars_dtype is_polars_expr is_polars_lf is_polars_selector is_polars_series
Polars column selector function namespacecs
Cast DataFrame column(s) to the specified dtypedataframe__cast
Clone a DataFramedataframe__clone
Drop columns of a DataFramedataframe__drop
Check whether the DataFrame is equal to another DataFramedataframe__equals
Filter rows of a DataFramedataframe__filter
Get the DataFrame as a list of Seriesdataframe__get_columns
Group a DataFramedataframe__group_by
Convert an existing DataFrame to a LazyFramedataframe__lazy
Select and modify columns of a DataFramedataframe__select
Get a slice of the DataFrame.dataframe__slice
Sort a DataFramedataframe__sort
Select column as Series at index locationdataframe__to_series
Convert a DataFrame to a Series of type Structdataframe__to_struct
Modify/append column(s) of a DataFramedataframe__with_columns
Evaluate whether all boolean values are true for every sub-arrayexpr_arr_all
Evaluate whether any boolean value is true for every sub-arrayexpr_arr_any
Retrieve the index of the maximum value in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_arg_max
Retrieve the index of the minimum value in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_arg_min
Check if sub-arrays contain the given itemexpr_arr_contains
Count how often a value occurs in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_count_matches
Explode array in separate rowsexpr_arr_explode
Get the first value of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_first
Get the value by index in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_get
Join elements in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_join
Get the last value of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_last
Compute the max value of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_max
Compute the median value of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_median
Compute the min value of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_min
Count the number of unique values in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_n_unique
Reverse values in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_reverse
Shift values in every sub-array by the given number of indicesexpr_arr_shift
Sort values in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_sort
Compute the standard deviation of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_std
Compute the sum of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_sum
Convert an Array column into a List column with the same inner data typeexpr_arr_to_list
Get the unique values in every sub-arrayexpr_arr_unique
Compute the variance of the sub-arraysexpr_arr_var
Check if binaries contain a binary substringexpr_bin_contains
Decode values using the provided encodingexpr_bin_decode
Encode a value using the provided encodingexpr_bin_encode
Check if string values end with a binary substringexpr_bin_ends_with
Get the size of binary values in the given unitexpr_bin_size
Check if values start with a binary substringexpr_bin_starts_with
Get the categories stored in this data typeexpr_cat_get_categories
Set Orderingexpr_cat_set_ordering
Offset by 'n' business days.expr_dt_add_business_days
Base offset from UTCexpr_dt_base_utc_offset
Change time unitexpr_dt_cast_time_unit
Extract the century from underlying representationexpr_dt_century
Combine Date and Timeexpr_dt_combine
Convert to given time zone for an expression of type Datetimeexpr_dt_convert_time_zone
Extract date from date(time)expr_dt_date
Extract day from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_day
Daylight savings offset from UTCexpr_dt_dst_offset
Get epoch of given Datetimeexpr_dt_epoch
Extract hour from underlying Datetime representationexpr_dt_hour
Determine whether the year of the underlying date is a leap yearexpr_dt_is_leap_year
Extract ISO year from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_iso_year
Extract microseconds from underlying Datetime representationexpr_dt_microsecond
Extract milliseconds from underlying Datetime representationexpr_dt_millisecond
Extract minute from underlying Datetime representationexpr_dt_minute
Extract month from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_month
Roll forward to the last day of the monthexpr_dt_month_end
Roll backward to the first day of the monthexpr_dt_month_start
Extract nanoseconds from underlying Datetime representationexpr_dt_nanosecond
Offset a date by a relative time offsetexpr_dt_offset_by
Extract ordinal day from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_ordinal_day
Extract quarter from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_quarter
Replace time zone for an expression of type Datetimeexpr_dt_replace_time_zone
Round datetimeexpr_dt_round
Extract seconds from underlying Datetime representationexpr_dt_second
Convert date/time/datetime to stringexpr_dt_strftime
Extract timeexpr_dt_time
Get timestamp in the given time unitexpr_dt_timestamp
Convert date/time/datetime to stringexpr_dt_to_string
Extract the days from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_days
Extract the hours from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_hours
Extract the microseconds from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_microseconds
Extract the milliseconds from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_milliseconds
Extract the minutes from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_minutes
Extract the nanoseconds from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_nanoseconds
Extract the seconds from a Duration typeexpr_dt_total_seconds
Truncate datetimeexpr_dt_truncate
Extract week from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_week
Extract weekday from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_weekday
Set time unit of a Series of dtype Datetime or Durationexpr_dt_with_time_unit
Extract year from underlying Date representationexpr_dt_year
Evaluate whether all boolean values in a sub-list are trueexpr_list_all
Evaluate whether any boolean value in a sub-list is trueexpr_list_any
Retrieve the index of the maximum value in every sub-listexpr_list_arg_max
Retrieve the index of the minimum value in every sub-listexpr_list_arg_min
Concat the lists into a new listexpr_list_concat
Check if sub-lists contains a given valueexpr_list_contains
Count how often a value produced occursexpr_list_count_matches
Compute difference between sub-list valuesexpr_list_diff
Drop all null values in every sub-listexpr_list_drop_nulls
Run any polars expression on the sub-lists' valuesexpr_list_eval
Returns a column with a separate row for every list elementexpr_list_explode
Get the first value of the sub-listsexpr_list_first
Get several values by index in every sub-listexpr_list_gather
Take every 'n'-th value starting from offset in sub-listsexpr_list_gather_every
Get the value by index in every sub-listexpr_list_get
Slice the first 'n' values of every sub-listexpr_list_head
Join elements of every sub-listexpr_list_join
Get the last value of the sub-listsexpr_list_last
Return the number of elements in each sub-listexpr_list_len
Compute the maximum value in every sub-listexpr_list_max
Compute the mean value in every sub-listexpr_list_mean
Compute the median in every sub-listexpr_list_median
Compute the miminum value in every sub-listexpr_list_min
Count the number of unique values in every sub-listsexpr_list_n_unique
Reverse values in every sub-listexpr_list_reverse
Sample values from every sub-listexpr_list_sample
Compute the set difference between elements of a list and other elementsexpr_list_set_difference
Compute the intersection between elements of a list and other elementsexpr_list_set_intersection
Compute the set symmetric difference between elements of a list and other elementsexpr_list_set_symmetric_difference
Compute the union of elements of a list and other elementsexpr_list_set_union
Shift list values by the given number of indicesexpr_list_shift
Slice every sub-listexpr_list_slice
Sort values in every sub-listexpr_list_sort
Compute the standard deviation in every sub-listexpr_list_std
Sum all elements in every sub-listexpr_list_sum
Slice the last 'n' values of every sub-listexpr_list_tail
Convert a List column into an Array column with the same inner data typeexpr_list_to_array
Get unique values in a listexpr_list_unique
Compute the variance in every sub-listexpr_list_var
Check if string contains a substring that matches a patternexpr_str_contains
Use the aho-corasick algorithm to find matchesexpr_str_contains_any
Count all successive non-overlapping regex matchesexpr_str_count_matches
Decode a value using the provided encodingexpr_str_decode
Encode a value using the provided encodingexpr_str_encode
Check if string ends with a regexexpr_str_ends_with
Extract the target capture group from provided patternsexpr_str_extract
Extract all matches for the given regex patternexpr_str_extract_all
Extract all capture groups for the given regex patternexpr_str_extract_groups
Use the aho-corasick algorithm to extract matchesexpr_str_extract_many
Return the index position of the first substring matching a patternexpr_str_find
Return the first n characters of each stringexpr_str_head
Vertically concatenate the string values in the column to a single string value.expr_str_join
Parse string values as JSON.expr_str_json_decode
Extract the first match of JSON string with the provided JSONPath expressionexpr_str_json_path_match
Get the number of bytes in stringsexpr_str_len_bytes
Get the number of characters in stringsexpr_str_len_chars
Left justify stringsexpr_str_pad_end
Right justify stringsexpr_str_pad_start
Replace first matching regex/literal substring with a new string valueexpr_str_replace
Replace all matching regex/literal substrings with a new string valueexpr_str_replace_all
Use the aho-corasick algorithm to replace many matchesexpr_str_replace_many
Returns string values in reversed orderexpr_str_reverse
Create subslices of the string values of a String Seriesexpr_str_slice
Split the string by a substringexpr_str_split
Split the string by a substring using 'n' splitsexpr_str_split_exact
Split the string by a substring, restricted to returning at most 'n' itemsexpr_str_splitn
Check if string starts with a regexexpr_str_starts_with
Strip leading and trailing charactersexpr_str_strip_chars
Strip trailing charactersexpr_str_strip_chars_end
Strip leading charactersexpr_str_strip_chars_start
Convert a String column into a Date/Datetime/Time column.expr_str_strptime
Return the last n characters of each stringexpr_str_tail
Convert a String column into a Date columnexpr_str_to_date
Convert a String column into a Datetime columnexpr_str_to_datetime
Convert a String column into an Int64 column with base radixexpr_str_to_integer
Convert a string to lowercaseexpr_str_to_lowercase
Convert a String column into a Time columnexpr_str_to_time
Convert a string to uppercaseexpr_str_to_uppercase
Fills the string with zeroes.expr_str_zfill
Materialize this LazyFrame into a DataFramelazyframe__collect
Select and modify columns of a LazyFramelazyframe__select
Modify/append column(s) of a LazyFramelazyframe__with_columns
Polars top-level function namespacepl
Create an expression representing column(s) in a DataFramepl__col
Polars DataFrame class ('polars_data_frame')DataFrame pl__DataFrame polars_data_frame
Generate a date rangepl__date_range
Create a column of date rangespl__date_ranges
Generate a datetime rangepl__datetime_range
Generate a list containing a datetime rangepl__datetime_ranges
Polars LazyFrame class ('polars_lazy_frame')LazyFrame pl__LazyFrame polars_lazy_frame
Return an expression representing a literal valuepl__lit
Polars Series class ('polars_series')pl__Series polars_series Series
Print out the version of Polars and its optional dependenciespl__show_versions
Collect columns into a struct columnpl__struct
Registering custom functionality with a polars Seriespl_api_register_series_namespace
The Polars duration string languagepolars_duration_string
Polars expression class ('polars_expr')Expr expression polars_expr
Cast this Series to a DataFrameseries__to_frame
Export the Series as an R vectorseries__to_r_vector
Convert this struct Series to a DataFrame with a separate column for each fieldseries_struct_unnest