Extract Parts of a Polars Object | [.RPolarsDataFrame [.RPolarsLazyFrame [.RPolarsSeries |
Create a arrow Table from a Polars object | as_arrow_table.RPolarsDataFrame |
Create a nanoarrow_array_stream from a Polars object | as_nanoarrow_array_stream.RPolarsDataFrame as_nanoarrow_array_stream.RPolarsSeries |
To polars DataFrame | as_polars_df as_polars_df.ArrowTabular as_polars_df.data.frame as_polars_df.default as_polars_df.nanoarrow_array as_polars_df.nanoarrow_array_stream as_polars_df.RecordBatchReader as_polars_df.RPolarsDataFrame as_polars_df.RPolarsDynamicGroupBy as_polars_df.RPolarsGroupBy as_polars_df.RPolarsLazyFrame as_polars_df.RPolarsLazyGroupBy as_polars_df.RPolarsRollingGroupBy as_polars_df.RPolarsSeries |
To polars LazyFrame | as_polars_lf as_polars_lf.default as_polars_lf.RPolarsLazyFrame as_polars_lf.RPolarsLazyGroupBy |
To polars Series | as_polars_series as_polars_series.Array as_polars_series.ChunkedArray as_polars_series.clock_sys_time as_polars_series.clock_time_point as_polars_series.clock_zoned_time as_polars_series.data.frame as_polars_series.default as_polars_series.list as_polars_series.nanoarrow_array as_polars_series.nanoarrow_array_stream as_polars_series.POSIXlt as_polars_series.RecordBatchReader as_polars_series.RPolarsChainedThen as_polars_series.RPolarsExpr as_polars_series.RPolarsSeries as_polars_series.RPolarsThen as_polars_series.vctrs_rcrd |
Create a arrow RecordBatchReader from a Polars object | as_record_batch_reader.RPolarsDataFrame |
Convert to a character vector | as.character.RPolarsSeries |
Convert to a data.frame | as.data.frame.RPolarsDataFrame as.data.frame.RPolarsLazyFrame |
Convert to a matrix | as.matrix.RPolarsDataFrame as.matrix.RPolarsLazyFrame |
Convert to a vector | as.vector.RPolarsSeries |
Combine to a Series | c.RPolarsSeries |
Inner workings of the DataFrame-class | DataFrame_class RPolarsDataFrame |
Create an empty or n-row null-filled copy of the DataFrame | DataFrame_clear |
Clone a DataFrame | DataFrame_clone |
Summary statistics for a DataFrame | DataFrame_describe |
Drop columns of a DataFrame | DataFrame_drop |
Drop in place | DataFrame_drop_in_place |
Drop nulls (missing values) | DataFrame_drop_nulls |
Data types information | DataFrame_dtype_strings |
Compare two DataFrames | DataFrame_equals |
Estimated size | DataFrame_estimated_size |
Explode columns containing a list of values | DataFrame_explode |
Fill floating point NaN value with a fill value | DataFrame_fill_nan |
Fill nulls | DataFrame_fill_null |
Filter rows of a DataFrame | DataFrame_filter |
Get the first row of the DataFrame. | DataFrame_first |
Take every nth row in the DataFrame | DataFrame_gather_every |
Get column (as one Series) | DataFrame_get_column |
Get the DataFrame as a List of Series | DataFrame_get_columns |
Show a dense preview of the DataFrame | DataFrame_glimpse |
Group a DataFrame | DataFrame_group_by |
Group based on a date/time or integer column | DataFrame_group_by_dynamic |
Get the first 'n' rows. | DataFrame_head DataFrame_limit |
Return the element at the given row/column. | DataFrame_item |
Join DataFrames | DataFrame_join |
Perform joins on nearest keys | DataFrame_join_asof |
Get the last row of the DataFrame. | DataFrame_last |
Convert an existing DataFrame to a LazyFrame | DataFrame_lazy lazy |
Max | DataFrame_max |
Mean | DataFrame_mean |
Median | DataFrame_median |
Min | DataFrame_min |
Number of chunks of the Series in a DataFrame | DataFrame_n_chunks |
Count null values | DataFrame_null_count |
Split a DataFrame into multiple DataFrames | DataFrame_partition_by |
Pivot data from long to wide | DataFrame_pivot |
Quantile | DataFrame_quantile |
Rechunk a DataFrame | DataFrame_rechunk |
Rename column names of a DataFrame | DataFrame_rename |
Reverse | DataFrame_reverse |
Create rolling groups based on a date/time or integer column | DataFrame_rolling |
Take a sample of rows from a DataFrame | DataFrame_sample |
Select and modify columns of a DataFrame | DataFrame_select select |
Select and modify columns of a DataFrame | DataFrame_select_seq |
Shift a DataFrame | DataFrame_shift |
Slice | DataFrame_slice |
Sort a DataFrame | DataFrame_sort |
Execute a SQL query against the DataFrame | DataFrame_sql |
Std | DataFrame_std |
Sum | DataFrame_sum |
Get the last 'n' rows. | DataFrame_tail |
Return Polars DataFrame as R data.frame | DataFrame_to_data_frame |
Return Polars DataFrame as a list of vectors | DataFrame_to_list |
Write Arrow IPC data to a raw vector | DataFrame_to_raw_ipc |
Get column by index | DataFrame_to_series |
Convert DataFrame to a Series of type "struct" | DataFrame_to_struct to_struct |
Transpose a DataFrame over the diagonal. | DataFrame_transpose |
Drop duplicated rows | DataFrame_unique |
Unnest the Struct columns of a DataFrame | DataFrame_unnest |
Unpivot a Frame from wide to long format | DataFrame_unpivot |
Var | DataFrame_var |
Modify/append column(s) | DataFrame_with_columns with_columns |
Modify/append column(s) | DataFrame_with_columns_seq |
Add a column for row indices | DataFrame_with_row_index |
Write to comma-separated values (CSV) file | DataFrame_write_csv |
Write to Arrow IPC file (a.k.a Feather file) | DataFrame_write_ipc |
Write to JSON file | DataFrame_write_json |
Write to NDJSON file | DataFrame_write_ndjson |
Write to parquet file | DataFrame_write_parquet |
Create Array DataType | DataType_Array |
Create Categorical DataType | DataType_Categorical |
Check whether the data type contains categoricals | DataType_contains_categoricals |
Check whether the data type contains views | DataType_contains_views |
Data type representing a calendar date and time of day. | DataType_Datetime pl_Datetime |
Data type representing a time duration | DataType_Duration |
Create Enum DataType | DataType_Enum |
Check whether the data type is an array type | DataType_is_array |
Check whether the data type is a binary type | DataType_is_binary |
Check whether the data type is a boolean type | DataType_is_bool |
Check whether the data type is a Categorical type | DataType_is_categorical |
Check whether the data type is an Enum type | DataType_is_enum |
Check whether the data type is a float type | DataType_is_float |
Check whether the data type is an integer type | DataType_is_integer |
Check whether the data type is known | DataType_is_known |
Check whether the data type is a list type | DataType_is_list |
Check whether the data type is a logical type | DataType_is_logical |
Check whether the data type is a nested type | DataType_is_nested |
Check whether the data type is a null type | DataType_is_null |
Check whether the data type is a numeric type | DataType_is_numeric |
Check whether the data type is an ordinal type | DataType_is_ord |
Check whether the data type is a primitive type | DataType_is_primitive |
Check whether the data type is a signed integer type | DataType_is_signed_integer |
Check whether the data type is a String type | DataType_is_string |
Check whether the data type is a temporal type | DataType_is_struct |
Check whether the data type is a temporal type | DataType_is_temporal |
Check whether the data type is an unsigned integer type | DataType_is_unsigned_integer |
Create List DataType | DataType_List |
Create Struct DataType | DataType_Struct |
Get the dimensions | dim.RPolarsDataFrame dim.RPolarsLazyFrame |
Get the row and column names | dimnames.RPolarsDataFrame dimnames.RPolarsLazyFrame |
Translation definitions across python, R and polars. | docs_translations |
Aggregate over a DynamicGroupBy | DynamicGroupBy_agg |
Operations on Polars DataFrame grouped on time or integer values | DynamicGroupBy_class RPolarsDynamicGroupBy |
Ungroup a DynamicGroupBy object | DynamicGroupBy_ungroup |
Compute the absolute values | Expr_abs |
Add two expressions | Expr_add |
Aggregate groups | Expr_agg_groups |
Rename Expr output | Expr_alias |
Apply logical AND on a column | Expr_all |
Apply logical AND on two expressions | Expr_and |
Apply logical OR on a column | Expr_any |
Append expressions | Expr_append |
Approx count unique values | Expr_approx_n_unique |
Compute inverse cosine | Expr_arccos |
Compute inverse hyperbolic cosine | Expr_arccosh |
Compute inverse sine | Expr_arcsin |
Compute inverse hyperbolic sine | Expr_arcsinh |
Compute inverse tangent | Expr_arctan |
Compute inverse hyperbolic tangent | Expr_arctanh |
Index of max value | Expr_arg_max |
Index of min value | Expr_arg_min |
Index of a sort | Expr_arg_sort |
Index of first unique values | arg_unique Expr_arg_unique |
Fill null values backward | Expr_backward_fill |
Bottom k values | Expr_bottom_k |
Cast between DataType | Expr_cast |
Ceiling | Expr_ceil |
Polars Expressions | Expr_class RPolarsExpr |
Clip elements | Expr_clip |
Compute cosine | Expr_cos |
Compute hyperbolic cosine | Expr_cosh |
Count elements | Expr_count Expr_len |
Cumulative count | Expr_cum_count |
Cumulative maximum | Expr_cum_max |
Cumulative minimum | Expr_cum_min |
Cumulative product | Expr_cum_prod |
Cumulative sum | Expr_cum_sum |
Cumulative evaluation of expressions | Expr_cumulative_eval |
Bin continuous values into discrete categories | Expr_cut |
Difference | Expr_diff |
Divide two expressions | Expr_div |
Dot product | Expr_dot |
Drop NaN | Expr_drop_nans |
Drop missing values | Expr_drop_nulls |
Entropy | Expr_entropy |
Check equality | Expr_eq |
Check equality without 'null' propagation | Expr_eq_missing |
Exponentially-weighted moving average | Expr_ewm_mean |
Exponentially-weighted moving standard deviation | Expr_ewm_std |
Exponentially-weighted moving variance | Expr_ewm_var |
Exclude certain columns from selection | exclude Expr_exclude |
Compute the exponential of the elements | Expr_exp |
Explode a list or String Series | Expr_explode |
Extend Series with a constant | Expr_extend_constant |
Fill floating point NaN value with a fill value | Expr_fill_nan |
Fill null values with a value or strategy | Expr_fill_null |
Filter a single column. | Expr_filter |
Get the first value. | Expr_first |
Explode a list or String Series | Expr_flatten |
Floor | Expr_floor |
Floor divide two expressions | Expr_floor_div |
Fill null values forward | Expr_forward_fill |
Gather values by index | Expr_gather |
Gather every nth element | Expr_gather_every |
Check strictly greater inequality | Expr_gt |
Check greater or equal inequality | Expr_gt_eq |
Check whether the expression contains one or more null values | Expr_has_nulls |
Hash elements | Expr_hash hash |
Get the first n elements | Expr_head |
Wrap column in list | Expr_implode |
Inspect evaluated Series | Expr_inspect |
Interpolate null values | Expr_interpolate |
Check if an expression is between the given lower and upper bounds | Expr_is_between |
Check whether each value is duplicated | Expr_is_duplicated |
Check if elements are finite | Expr_is_finite |
Check whether each value is the first occurrence | Expr_is_first_distinct |
Check whether a value is in a vector | Expr_is_in |
Check if elements are infinite | Expr_is_infinite is_infinite |
Check whether each value is the last occurrence | Expr_is_last_distinct |
Check if elements are NaN | Expr_is_nan is_nan |
Check if elements are not NaN | Expr_is_not_nan is_not_nan |
Check if elements are not NULL | Expr_is_not_null |
Check if elements are NULL | Expr_is_null |
Check whether each value is unique | Expr_is_unique |
Kurtosis | Expr_kurtosis |
Get the last value | Expr_last |
Get the first n elements | Expr_limit |
Compute the logarithm of elements | Expr_log |
Compute the base-10 logarithm of elements | Expr_log10 |
Find the lower bound of a DataType | Expr_lower_bound |
Check strictly lower inequality | Expr_lt |
Check lower or equal inequality | Expr_lt_eq |
Map an expression with an R function | Expr_map_batches |
Map a custom/user-defined function (UDF) to each element of a column | Expr_map_elements |
Get maximum value | Expr_max |
Get mean value | Expr_mean |
Get median value | Expr_median |
Get minimum value | Expr_min |
Modulo two expressions | Expr_mod |
Mode | Expr_mode |
Multiply two expressions | Expr_mul |
Count number of unique values | Expr_n_unique |
Get maximum value with NaN | Expr_nan_max |
Get minimum value with NaN | Expr_nan_min |
Check inequality | Expr_neq |
Check inequality without 'null' propagation | Expr_neq_missing |
Negate a boolean expression | Expr_not |
Count missing values | Expr_null_count |
Apply logical OR on two expressions | Expr_or |
Compute expressions over the given groups | Expr_over |
Percentage change | Expr_pct_change |
Find local maxima | Expr_peak_max |
Find local minima | Expr_peak_min |
Exponentiation two expressions | Expr_pow |
Product | Expr_product |
Bin continuous values into discrete categories based on their quantiles | Expr_qcut |
Get quantile value. | Expr_quantile |
Rank elements | Expr_rank |
Rechunk memory layout | Expr_rechunk |
Reinterpret bits | Expr_reinterpret |
Repeat a Series | Expr_rep |
Repeat values | Expr_repeat_by |
Replace the given values by different values of the same data type. | Expr_replace |
Replace all values by different values. | Expr_replace_strict |
Reshape this Expr to a flat Series or a Series of Lists | Expr_reshape |
Reverse a variable | Expr_reverse |
Get the lengths of runs of identical values | Expr_rle |
Map values to run IDs | Expr_rle_id |
Create rolling groups based on a time or numeric column | Expr_rolling |
Rolling maximum | Expr_rolling_max |
Apply a rolling max based on another column. | Expr_rolling_max_by |
Rolling mean | Expr_rolling_mean |
Apply a rolling mean based on another column. | Expr_rolling_mean_by |
Rolling median | Expr_rolling_median |
Apply a rolling median based on another column. | Expr_rolling_median_by |
Rolling minimum | Expr_rolling_min |
Apply a rolling min based on another column. | Expr_rolling_min_by |
Rolling quantile | Expr_rolling_quantile |
Compute a rolling quantile based on another column | Expr_rolling_quantile_by |
Rolling skew | Expr_rolling_skew |
Rolling standard deviation | Expr_rolling_std |
Compute a rolling standard deviation based on another column | Expr_rolling_std_by |
Rolling sum | Expr_rolling_sum |
Apply a rolling sum based on another column. | Expr_rolling_sum_by |
Rolling variance | Expr_rolling_var |
Compute a rolling variance based on another column | Expr_rolling_var_by |
Round | Expr_round |
Take a sample | Expr_sample |
Where to inject element(s) to maintain sorting | Expr_search_sorted |
Flag an Expr as "sorted" | Expr_set_sorted |
Shift values by the given number of indices | Expr_shift |
Shrink numeric columns to the minimal required datatype | Expr_shrink_dtype |
Shuffle values | Expr_shuffle |
Get the sign of elements | Expr_sign |
Compute sine | Expr_sin |
Compute hyperbolic sine | Expr_sinh |
Skewness | Expr_skew |
Get a slice of an Expr | Expr_slice |
Sort an Expr | Expr_sort |
Sort Expr by order of others | Expr_sort_by |
Compute the square root of the elements | Expr_sqrt |
Get standard deviation | Expr_std |
Substract two expressions | Expr_sub |
Get sum value | Expr_sum |
Get the last n elements | Expr_tail |
Compute tangent | Expr_tan |
Compute hyperbolic tangent | Expr_tanh |
Cast an Expr to its physical representation | Expr_to_physical to_physical |
Convert an Expr to R output | Expr_to_r |
Convert Literal to Series | Expr_to_series |
Top k values | Expr_top_k |
Get unique values | Expr_unique |
Count unique values | Expr_unique_counts |
Find the upper bound of a DataType | Expr_upper_bound |
Value counts | Expr_value_counts |
Get variance | Expr_var |
Make a when-then-otherwise expression | ChainedThen ChainedThen_otherwise ChainedThen_when ChainedWhen ChainedWhen_then Expr_when_then_otherwise otherwise pl_when RPolarsChainedThen RPolarsChainedWhen RPolarsThen RPolarsWhen Then then Then_otherwise Then_when When when When_then |
Apply logical XOR on two expressions | Expr_xor |
Evaluate whether all boolean values in an array are true | ExprArr_all |
Evaluate whether any boolean values in an array are true | ExprArr_any |
Get the index of the maximal value in an array | ExprArr_arg_max |
Get the index of the minimal value in an array | ExprArr_arg_min |
Check if array contains a given value | ExprArr_contains |
Get the value by index in an array | ExprArr_get |
Join elements of an array | ExprArr_join |
Find the maximum value in an array | ExprArr_max |
Find the median in an array | ExprArr_median |
Find the minimum value in an array | ExprArr_min |
Reverse values in an array | ExprArr_reverse |
Shift array values by 'n' indices | ExprArr_shift |
Sort values in an array | ExprArr_sort |
Find the standard deviation in an array | ExprArr_std |
Sum all elements in an array | ExprArr_sum |
Convert an Array column into a List column with the same inner data type | ExprArr_to_list |
Convert array to struct | ExprArr_to_struct |
Get unique values in an array | ExprArr_unique |
Find the variance in an array | ExprArr_var |
Check if binaries contain a binary substring | ExprBin_contains |
Decode values using the provided encoding | ExprBin_decode |
Encode a value using the provided encoding | ExprBin_encode |
Check if string values end with a binary substring | ExprBin_ends_with |
Get the size of binary values in the given unit | ExprBin_size |
Check if values start with a binary substring | ExprBin_starts_with |
Get the categories stored in this data type | ExprCat_get_categories |
Set Ordering | ExprCat_set_ordering |
cast_time_unit | (Expr)$dt$cast_time_unit ExprDT_cast_time_unit |
Combine Date and Time | ExprDT_combine |
Convert to given time zone for an expression of type Datetime. | ExprDT_convert_time_zone |
Day | (Expr)$dt$day ExprDT_day |
Epoch | ExprDT_epoch |
Hour | (Expr)$dt$hour ExprDT_hour |
Determine whether the year of the underlying date is a leap year | ExprDT_is_leap_year |
Iso-Year | (Expr)$dt$iso_year ExprDT_iso_year |
Extract microseconds from underlying Datetime representation. | ExprDT_microsecond |
Extract milliseconds from underlying Datetime representation | ExprDT_millisecond |
Minute | (Expr)$dt$minute ExprDT_minute |
Month | (Expr)$dtmonth ExprDT_month |
Extract nanoseconds from underlying Datetime representation | ExprDT_nanosecond |
Offset By | (Expr)$dt$offset_by ExprDT_offset_by |
Ordinal Day | (Expr)$dt$ordinal_day ExprDT_ordinal_day |
Quarter | (Expr)$dt$quarter ExprDT_quarter |
Replace time zone | (Expr)$dt$replace_time_zone ExprDT_replace_time_zone |
Round datetime | ExprDT_round |
Extract seconds from underlying Datetime representation | ExprDT_second |
strftime | (Expr)$dt$strftime ExprDT_strftime |
Extract time from a Datetime Series | ExprDT_time |
timestamp | (Expr)$dt$timestamp ExprDT_timestamp |
Days | ExprDT_total_days |
Hours | ExprDT_total_hours |
microseconds | ExprDT_total_microseconds |
milliseconds | ExprDT_total_milliseconds |
Minutes | ExprDT_total_minutes |
nanoseconds | ExprDT_total_nanoseconds |
Seconds | ExprDT_total_seconds |
Truncate datetime | ExprDT_truncate |
Week | (Expr)$dt$week ExprDT_week |
Weekday | (Expr)$dt$weekday ExprDT_weekday |
with_time_unit | (Expr)$dt$with_time_unit ExprDT_with_time_unit |
Year | (Expr)$dt$year ExprDT_year |
Evaluate whether all boolean values in a list are true | ExprList_all |
Evaluate whether any boolean values in a list are true | ExprList_any |
Get the index of the maximal value in list | ExprList_arg_max |
Get the index of the minimal value in list | ExprList_arg_min |
Concat two list variables | ExprList_concat |
Check if list contains a given value | ExprList_contains |
Compute difference between list values | ExprList_diff |
Run any polars expression on the list values | ExprList_eval |
Returns a column with a separate row for every list element | ExprList_explode |
Get the first value in a list | ExprList_first |
Get several values by index in a list | ExprList_gather |
Gather every nth element in a list | ExprList_gather_every |
Get the value by index in a list | ExprList_get |
Get the first 'n' values of a list | ExprList_head |
Join elements of a list | ExprList_join |
Get the last value in a list | ExprList_last |
Get the length of each list | ExprList_len |
Find the maximum value in a list | ExprList_max |
Compute the mean value of a list | ExprList_mean |
Find the minimum value in a list | ExprList_min |
Get the number of unique values in a list | ExprList_n_unique |
Reverse values in a list | ExprList_reverse |
Sample from this list | ExprList_sample |
Get the difference of two list variables | ExprList_set_difference |
Get the intersection of two list variables | ExprList_set_intersection |
Get the symmetric difference of two list variables | ExprList_set_symmetric_difference |
Get the union of two list variables | ExprList_set_union |
Shift list values by 'n' indices | ExprList_shift |
Slice list | ExprList_slice |
Sort values in a list | ExprList_sort |
Sum all elements in a list | ExprList_sum |
Get the last 'n' values of a list | ExprList_tail |
Convert a Series of type 'List' to 'Struct' | ExprList_to_struct |
Get unique values in a list | ExprList_unique |
Check if two expressions are equivalent | ExprMeta_eq |
Indicate if an expression has multiple outputs | ExprMeta_has_multiple_outputs |
Indicate if an expression uses a regex projection | ExprMeta_is_regex_projection |
Check if two expressions are different | ExprMeta_neq |
Get the column name that this expression would produce | ExprMeta_output_name |
Pop | ExprMeta_pop |
Get the root column names | ExprMeta_root_names |
Format an expression as a tree | ExprMeta_tree_format |
Undo any renaming operation | ExprMeta_undo_aliases |
Keep the original root name of the expression. | ExprName_keep |
Add a prefix to a column name | ExprName_prefix |
Add a prefix to all fields name of a struct | ExprName_prefix_fields |
Add a suffix to a column name | ExprName_suffix |
Add a suffix to all fields name of a struct | ExprName_suffix_fields |
Make the root column name lowercase | ExprName_to_lowercase |
Make the root column name uppercase | ExprName_to_uppercase |
Check if string contains a substring that matches a pattern | ExprStr_contains |
Use the aho-corasick algorithm to find matches | ExprStr_contains_any |
Count all successive non-overlapping regex matches | ExprStr_count_matches |
Decode a value using the provided encoding | ExprStr_decode |
Encode a value using the provided encoding | ExprStr_encode |
Check if string ends with a regex | ExprStr_ends_with |
Extract the target capture group from provided patterns | ExprStr_extract |
Extract all matches for the given regex pattern | ExprStr_extract_all |
Extract all capture groups for the given regex pattern | ExprStr_extract_groups |
Use the aho-corasick algorithm to extract matches | ExprStr_extract_many |
Return the index position of the first substring matching a pattern | ExprStr_find |
Return the first n characters of each string | ExprStr_head |
Vertically concatenate the string values in the column to a single string value. | ExprStr_join |
Parse string values as JSON. | ExprStr_json_decode |
Extract the first match of JSON string with the provided JSONPath expression | ExprStr_json_path_match |
Get the number of bytes in strings | ExprStr_len_bytes |
Get the number of characters in strings | ExprStr_len_chars |
Left justify strings | ExprStr_pad_end |
Right justify strings | ExprStr_pad_start |
Replace first matching regex/literal substring with a new string value | ExprStr_replace |
Replace all matching regex/literal substrings with a new string value | ExprStr_replace_all |
Use the aho-corasick algorithm to replace many matches | ExprStr_replace_many |
Returns string values in reversed order | ExprStr_reverse |
Create subslices of the string values of a String Series | ExprStr_slice |
Split the string by a substring | ExprStr_split |
Split the string by a substring using 'n' splits | ExprStr_split_exact |
Split the string by a substring, restricted to returning at most 'n' items | ExprStr_splitn |
Check if string starts with a regex | ExprStr_starts_with |
Strip leading and trailing characters | ExprStr_strip_chars expr_str_strip_chars |
Strip trailing characters | ExprStr_strip_chars_end expr_str_strip_chars_end |
Strip leading characters | ExprStr_strip_chars_start expr_str_strip_chars_start |
Convert a String column into a Date/Datetime/Time column. | ExprStr_strptime |
Return the last n characters of each string | ExprStr_tail |
Convert a String column into a Date column | ExprStr_to_date |
Convert a String column into a Datetime column | ExprStr_to_datetime |
Convert a String column into an Int64 column with base radix | ExprStr_to_integer |
Convert a string to lowercase | ExprStr_to_lowercase |
Convert a String column into a Time column | ExprStr_to_time |
Convert a string to titlecase | ExprStr_to_titlecase |
Convert a string to uppercase | ExprStr_to_uppercase |
Fills the string with zeroes. | ExprStr_zfill expr_str_zfill |
Retrieve one of the fields of this Struct as a new Series | ExprStruct_field |
Rename the fields of the struct | ExprStruct_rename_fields |
Add or overwrite fields of this struct | ExprStruct_with_fields |
Get/set global R session pool capacity (DEPRECATED) | global_rpool_cap pl_get_global_rpool_cap pl_set_global_rpool_cap set_global_rpool_cap |
Aggregate over a GroupBy | agg GroupBy_agg |
Operations on Polars grouped DataFrame | GroupBy_class RPolarsGroupBy |
GroupBy First | GroupBy_first |
GroupBy Last | GroupBy_last |
GroupBy Max | GroupBy_max |
GroupBy Mean | GroupBy_mean |
GroupBy Median | GroupBy_median |
GroupBy Min | GroupBy_min |
GroupBy null count | GroupBy_null_count |
Quantile | GroupBy_quantile |
Shift the values by a given period | GroupBy_shift |
GroupBy Std | GroupBy_std |
GroupBy Sum | GroupBy_sum |
GroupBy_ungroup | GroupBy_ungroup |
GroupBy Var | GroupBy_var |
Return the first or the last 'n' parts of an object | head.RPolarsDataFrame head.RPolarsLazyFrame tail.RPolarsDataFrame tail.RPolarsLazyFrame |
Infer nanoarrow schema from a Polars object | infer_nanoarrow_schema.RPolarsDataFrame infer_nanoarrow_schema.RPolarsSeries |
Test if the object is a polars DataFrame | is_polars_df |
Test if the object a polars DataType | is_polars_dtype |
Test if the object is a polars LazyFrame | is_polars_lf |
Test if the object is a polars Series | is_polars_series |
knit print polars DataFrame | knit_print.RPolarsDataFrame |
Inner workings of the LazyFrame-class | LazyFrame_class RPolarsLazyFrame |
Create an empty or n-row null-filled copy of the LazyFrame | LazyFrame_clear |
Clone a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_clone |
Collect a query into a DataFrame | LazyFrame_collect |
Collect a query in background | LazyFrame_collect_in_background |
Drop columns of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_drop |
Drop nulls (missing values) | LazyFrame_drop_nulls |
Create a string representation of the query plan | LazyFrame_explain |
Explode columns containing a list of values | LazyFrame_explode |
Fetch 'n' rows of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_fetch |
Fill floating point NaN value with a fill value | LazyFrame_fill_nan |
Fill nulls | LazyFrame_fill_null |
Apply filter to LazyFrame | LazyFrame_filter |
Get the first row of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_first |
Take every nth row in the LazyFrame | LazyFrame_gather_every |
Group a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_group_by |
Group based on a date/time or integer column | LazyFrame_group_by_dynamic |
Get the first 'n' rows. | LazyFrame_head |
Join LazyFrames | LazyFrame_join |
Perform joins on nearest keys | LazyFrame_join_asof |
Get the last row of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_last |
Max | LazyFrame_max |
Mean | LazyFrame_mean |
Median | LazyFrame_median |
Min | LazyFrame_min |
print LazyFrame internal method | LazyFrame_print |
Collect and profile a lazy query. | LazyFrame_profile |
Quantile | LazyFrame_quantile |
Rename column names of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_rename |
Reverse | LazyFrame_reverse |
Create rolling groups based on a date/time or integer column | LazyFrame_rolling |
Select and modify columns of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_select |
Select and modify columns of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_select_seq |
Serialize the logical plan of this LazyFrame to a file or string in JSON format | LazyFrame_serialize |
Shift a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_shift |
Stream the output of a query to a CSV file | LazyFrame_sink_csv |
Stream the output of a query to an Arrow IPC file | LazyFrame_sink_ipc |
Stream the output of a query to a JSON file | LazyFrame_sink_ndjson |
Stream the output of a query to a Parquet file | LazyFrame_sink_parquet |
Slice | LazyFrame_slice |
Sort the LazyFrame by the given columns | LazyFrame_sort |
Execute a SQL query against the LazyFrame | LazyFrame_sql |
Std | LazyFrame_std |
Sum | LazyFrame_sum |
Get the last 'n' rows. | LazyFrame_tail |
Plot the query plan | LazyFrame_to_dot |
Drop duplicated rows | LazyFrame_unique |
Unnest the Struct columns of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_unnest |
Unpivot a Frame from wide to long format | LazyFrame_unpivot |
Var | LazyFrame_var |
Select and modify columns of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_with_columns |
Select and modify columns of a LazyFrame | LazyFrame_with_columns_seq |
Add an external context to the computation graph | LazyFrame_with_context |
Add a column for row indices | LazyFrame_with_row_index |
LazyGroupBy_agg | LazyGroupBy_agg |
Operations on Polars grouped LazyFrame | LazyGroupBy_class RPolarsLazyGroupBy |
LazyGroupBy_head | LazyGroupBy_head |
LazyGroupBy_print | LazyGroupBy_print |
LazyGroupBy_tail | LazyGroupBy_tail |
LazyGroupBy_ungroup | LazyGroupBy_ungroup |
Get the length | length.RPolarsDataFrame length.RPolarsLazyFrame length.RPolarsSeries |
Compute the maximum value | max.RPolarsDataFrame max.RPolarsLazyFrame max.RPolarsSeries |
Compute the mean | mean.RPolarsDataFrame mean.RPolarsLazyFrame mean.RPolarsSeries |
Compute the median | median.RPolarsDataFrame median.RPolarsLazyFrame median.RPolarsSeries |
Compute the minimum value | min.RPolarsDataFrame min.RPolarsLazyFrame min.RPolarsSeries |
Drop missing values | na.omit.RPolarsDataFrame na.omit.RPolarsLazyFrame |
Get the column names | names.RPolarsDataFrame names.RPolarsGroupBy names.RPolarsLazyFrame names.RPolarsLazyGroupBy |
New Expr referring to all columns | pl_all |
Apply the AND logical rowwise | pl_all_horizontal |
Apply the OR logical rowwise | pl_any_horizontal |
Approximate count of unique values | pl_approx_n_unique |
Return the row indices that would sort the columns | pl_arg_sort_by |
Return indices that match a condition | pl_arg_where |
Coalesce | pl_coalesce |
Create an expression representing column(s) in a dataframe | pl_col |
Concat polars objects | pl_concat |
Concat the arrays in a Series dtype List in linear time. | pl_concat_list |
Horizontally concatenate columns into a single string column | pl_concat_str |
Correlation | pl_corr |
Return the number of non-null values in the column. | pl_count |
Covariance | pl_cov |
Create a new polars DataFrame | pl_DataFrame |
Create a Date expression | pl_date |
Generate a date range | pl_date_range |
Generate a list containing a date range | pl_date_ranges |
Create a Datetime expression | pl_datetime |
Generate a datetime range | pl_datetime_range |
Generate a list containing a datetime range | pl_datetime_ranges |
Read a logical plan from a JSON file to construct a LazyFrame | pl_deserialize_lf |
Disable the global string cache | pl_disable_string_cache |
DataTypes (RPolarsDataType) | pl_dtypes RPolarsDataType |
Create polars Duration from distinct time components | pl_duration |
an element in 'eval'-expr | element pl_element |
Enable the global string cache | pl_enable_string_cache |
Quickly select a field in a Struct | pl_field |
Create Field | pl_Field pl_Field_class |
Get the first value. | pl_first |
Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally with an R function | pl_fold |
Convert a Unix timestamp to date(time) | pl_from_epoch |
Get the first 'n' rows. | pl_head |
Aggregate all column values into a list. | pl_implode |
Generate a range of integers | pl_int_range |
Generate a range of integers for each row of the input columns | pl_int_ranges |
check if schema | pl_is_schema |
Get the last value. | pl_last |
Create new LazyFrame | pl_LazyFrame |
Return the number of rows in the context. | pl_len |
Create a literal value | pl_lit |
Get the maximum value. | pl_max |
Get the maximum value rowwise | pl_max_horizontal |
Get the mean value. | pl_mean |
Compute the mean rowwise | pl_mean_horizontal |
Get the median value. | pl_median |
Get Memory Address | pl_mem_address |
Get the minimum value. | pl_min |
Get the minimum value rowwise | pl_min_horizontal |
Count unique values. | pl_n_unique |
The complete polars public API. | pl pl_pl |
Store Time in R | pl_PTime PTIME |
Polars raw list | as.list.rpolars_raw_list pl_raw_list [.rpolars_raw_list |
New DataFrame from CSV | pl_read_csv |
Read into a DataFrame from Arrow IPC (Feather v2) file | pl_read_ipc |
New DataFrame from NDJSON | pl_read_ndjson |
Read a parquet file | pl_read_parquet |
Accumulate over multiple columns horizontally with an R function | pl_reduce |
Rolling correlation | pl_rolling_corr |
Rolling covariance | pl_rolling_cov |
New LazyFrame from CSV | pl_scan_csv |
Lazily read from an Arrow IPC (Feather v2) file or multiple files via glob patterns | pl_scan_ipc |
New LazyFrame from NDJSON | pl_scan_ndjson |
Scan a parquet file | pl_scan_parquet |
Select from an empty DataFrame | pl_select |
Create new Series | pl_Series Series |
Initialise a new SQLContext | pl_SQLContext |
Get the standard deviation. | pl_std |
Collect columns into a struct column | pl_struct |
Sum all values. | pl_sum |
Compute the sum rowwise | pl_sum_horizontal |
Get the last 'n' rows. | pl_tail |
Get the number of threads in the Polars thread pool. | pl_thread_pool_size |
Create a Time expression | pl_time |
Check if the global string cache is enabled | pl_using_string_cache |
Get the variance. | pl_var |
Evaluate one or several expressions with global string cache | pl_with_string_cache |
Any polars class object is made of this | polars_class_object |
Polars code completion | polars_code_completion_activate polars_code_completion_deactivate |
The Polars duration string language | polars_duration_string |
Get polars environment variables | polars_envvars |
Report information of the package | polars_info |
Get and reset polars options | polars_options polars_options_reset |
Print values | print.RPolarsSeries |
Aggregate over a RollingGroupBy | RollingGroupBy_agg |
Operations on Polars DataFrame grouped by rolling windows | RollingGroupBy_class RPolarsRollingGroupBy |
Ungroup a RollingGroupBy object | RollingGroupBy_ungroup |
Get the row names | row.names.RPolarsDataFrame |
The RPolarsRThreadHandle class | RPolarsRThreadHandle RThreadHandle_class |
Ask if RThreadHandle is finished? | RThreadHandle_is_finished |
Join a RThreadHandle | RThreadHandle_join |
Arithmetic operators for RPolars objects | %%.RPolarsExpr %%.RPolarsSeries %/%.RPolarsExpr %/%.RPolarsSeries *.RPolarsExpr *.RPolarsSeries +.RPolarsExpr +.RPolarsSeries -.RPolarsExpr -.RPolarsSeries /.RPolarsExpr /.RPolarsSeries S3_arithmetic ^.RPolarsExpr ^.RPolarsSeries |
Add Series | Series_add |
Change name of Series | Series_alias |
Reduce Boolean Series with ALL | Series_all |
Reduce boolean Series with ANY | Series_any |
Append two Series | Series_append |
Index of max value | Series_arg_max |
Index of min value | Series_arg_min |
Lengths of Series memory chunks | Series_chunk_lengths |
Inner workings of the Series-class | RPolarsSeries Series_class |
Create an empty or n-row null-filled copy of the Series | Series_clear |
Clone a Series | Series_clone |
Compare Series | !=.RPolarsSeries <.RPolarsSeries <=.RPolarsSeries ==.RPolarsSeries >.RPolarsSeries >=.RPolarsSeries Series_compare |
Divide Series | Series_div |
Are two Series equal? | Series_equals |
Floor Divide Series | Series_floor_div |
Check if the Series is numeric | Series_is_numeric |
Check if the Series is sorted | Series_is_sorted |
Return the element at the given index | Series_item |
Length of a Series | Series_len |
Apply every value with an R fun | apply Series_map_elements |
Find the max of a Series | Series_max |
Compute the mean of a Series | Series_mean |
Compute the median of a Series | Series_median |
Find the min of a Series | Series_min |
Modulo Series | Series_mod |
Multiply Series | Series_mul |
Get the number of chunks that this Series contains. | Series_n_chunks |
Count unique values in Series | Series_n_unique |
Power Series | Series_pow |
Print Series | Series_print |
Rename a series | Series_rename |
Duplicate and concatenate a series | Series_rep |
Set a sorted flag on a Series | Series_set_sorted |
Sort a Series | Series_sort |
Compute the standard deviation of a Series | Series_std |
Subtract Series | Series_sub |
Compute the sum of a Series | Series_sum |
Convert Series to DataFrame | Series_to_frame |
Convert a Series to literal | Series_to_lit |
Convert Series to R vector or list | Series_to_list Series_to_r Series_to_vector |
Count the occurrences of unique values | Series_value_counts |
Compute the variance of a Series | Series_var |
show all public functions / objects | pl_show_all_public_functions show_all_public_functions |
show all public methods | pl_show_all_public_methods show_all_public_methods |
Run SQL queries against DataFrame/LazyFrame data. | RPolarsSQLContext SQLContext_class |
Execute SQL query against the registered data | SQLContext_execute |
Register a single data as a table | SQLContext_register |
Register all polars DataFrames/LazyFrames found in the environment | SQLContext_register_globals |
Register multiple data as tables | SQLContext_register_many |
List registered tables | SQLContext_tables |
Unregister tables by name | SQLContext_unregister |
Compute the sum | sum.RPolarsDataFrame sum.RPolarsLazyFrame sum.RPolarsSeries |
Drop duplicated rows | unique.RPolarsDataFrame unique.RPolarsLazyFrame |